Twitter Introduces a New Feature for Bitcoin and Ethereum


Twitter users can now check the prices of bitcoin and ether by typing BTC or ETH on the platform’s search tab.

Twitter introduced a new cryptocurrency feature on its platform that allows users to check the current price of bitcoin (BTC) and ether (ETH). 

The graphics display the logo of the market tracking site Trading View and a link directing to Robinhood. It remains unknown whether those two were somehow involved with the new feature.

Users of the social media platform can now track the USD valuation of the two largest cryptocurrencies by market cap – bitcoin and ether – by typing the assets’ names or their tickers on the search tap. The feature also shows their fluctuations compared to the previous day.

The price charts are an addition to the existing “$Cashtags” option that displays the prices of numerous ETFs or leading stocks. Twitter’s CEO – Elon Musk – praised his team for designing the integration.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cyndi Kronau

    It definitely is not as well known as its neighbor, Mount Rushmore Such an interesting background, and great work they’re doing for the community

  2. Marth Shott

    There are some fundamental limitations to running parallel code irrespective of the architectureOne is Amdahl’s Law, which states that as you keep splitting your task into parallel threads, you can only go as fast as the slowest part of your task that has to be completed in order, no matter how many computations you can run concurrently The second law, the name of which I’ve forgotten, states that as you add more parallel computing units or threads for your task, the portion of your code that has to be completed in order begins to grow – that is, the task of managing and organizing the computation and collating the results takes more computing time When you take Amdahl’s law alone, you get diminishing returns, but every additional thread or computational unit still speeds things up somewhat When you take the whole bureaucracy of parallel computation into account, you get negative returns Trying to add too many computing units or threads on the job will actually turn out slower

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